Petroleum Prices in Pakistan 2024 (All Petroleum Products Rates)

The petroleum industry is an essential aspect of any country’s economy, and Pakistan is no exception. The petroleum prices in Pakistan have become an interest for both the general public and the business community. The fluctuating prices have significant implications for consumers, businesses, and the overall economic landscape. In this article, we embark on a journey to uncover the present state of petroleum rates in Pakistan and embark on an expedition through the diverse factors that orchestrate these intriguing price fluctuations.

Petroleum Prices In Pakistan

Petroleum Prices in Pakistan 2024

As of 2024, petroleum prices in Pakistan have experienced a considerable range, with prices varying from Rs. 175 to Rs. 260 per liter. This significant disparity has prompted many to wonder about the reasons behind such fluctuations. Understanding the dynamics behind these price changes is crucial for consumers and businesses alike, as it directly impacts their daily lives and operations.

Petroleum ProductUnitPrice in Pakistan
High Speed Diesel PricePer LiterRs. 274.08
Petrol PremiumPer LiterRs. 273.10
LPGPer KGRs. 256
CNG PricePer KGRs. 190
Kerosene OilPer LiterRs. 186.86
Petrol Prices (High Octane)Per LiterRs. 300 to 350
Low Speed DieselPer LiterRs. 166.86

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Types of Petroleum Products in Pakistan

Some types of petroleum products in Pakistan are given below:

  • Heavy fuel oil
  • Petrochemical feedstock
  • Jet fuel (Hi-Octane)
  • Petrol
  • SolventsDiesel
  • Kerosene
  • LPG
  • Paraffin
  • Lubricants (engine oils and grease)

Factors Affecting Petroleum Prices

OPEC and Non-OPEC Production Decisions:

The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and non-OPEC countries, like Russia, often come together to make production decisions that impact oil prices globally. Any cuts or increases in oil production quotas can directly affect the supply and demand dynamics, causing fluctuations in the petroleum price in Pakistan.

Geopolitical Tensions:

Geopolitical tensions in oil-producing regions can also have a significant impact on petroleum prices. Conflicts or disruptions in major oil-producing countries can disrupt the global oil supply chain, leading to price spikes.

Environmental and Regulatory Factors:

Increasing global awareness of climate change and environmental concerns has led to regulatory changes in many countries. Stricter environmental regulations and a shift towards renewable energy sources can impact the demand for petroleum products, thereby affecting prices.

Best Suppliers of Petroleum in Pakistan

Pakistan relies on various sources to meet its petroleum needs. Some of the best suppliers of petroleum to Pakistan are:

  • Adhi Oil and Gas field
  • Allied Petroleum Private Limited
  • Petro Pakistan Pvt Ltd
  • Pakistan Oil Fields Limited
  • United Energy Pakistan
  • Jura Energy Corporation
  • PSO (Pakistan State Oil)
  • Gas and Oil Pakistan Limited
  • Fast Oil Private Limited
  • Deewan Private Limited
  • Standard Oil Company
  • Petroleum Exploration Limited
  • My Petroleum Head Office
  • BENZIN Mysons Petroleum
  • Deewan Drilling Limited
  • MOL Pakistan Oil and Gas Co
  • Zoom Petroleums
  • United Energy Pakistan Ltd
  • OKTA Exploration and Production Ltd
  • HAscol Petroleum Company
  • Northwest Petroleum Private Limited
  • Petro Pakistan Pvt Ltd
  • Pyramid Gas Pvt Ltd
  • Taxx Petroleum Pvt Ltd
  • Pakistan Oil Field Plant
  • Petroflo Trading Company
  • Vital Petroleum Private Limited
  • My Petroleum Pvt Ltd
  • Horizon Oil Company Private Limited
  • Petro Solutions
  • AHlini Petroleum Company
  • Attock Petroleum Limited
  • Puma Petroleums Private Limited
  • Mari Petroleum Company Pvt Ltd
  • General Petroleum Private Limited
  • Pakistan Petroleum Ltd

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Overall Conclusion

As we navigate through 2024, petroleum product rates in Pakistan continue to be subject to fluctuations due to various factors. The country’s heavy reliance on oil imports, geopolitical tensions, government policies, and global economic conditions all contribute to the complex dynamics of petroleum pricing. To ensure stability and predictability in petroleum prices, the government must consider long-term strategies and engage in dialogue with major suppliers and industry stakeholders.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why do petroleum prices in Pakistan fluctuate so frequently?

Petroleum prices in Pakistan are influenced by various factors, including global oil market dynamics, currency exchange rates, government policies, and geopolitical tensions.

How does the global economy affect petroleum prices in Pakistan?

During economic growth, there is a higher demand for oil, leading to increased prices. Conversely, economic downturns can result in reduced oil consumption and lower prices.

Which countries are the major suppliers of petroleum to Pakistan?

Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Iran, China, and Russia are some of the significant suppliers of petroleum to Pakistan.

How do OPEC and non-OPEC production decisions impact petroleum prices in Pakistan?

Decisions on oil production quotas by OPEC and non-OPEC countries can directly affect global supply and demand, leading to fluctuations in petroleum prices in Pakistan.

What role does the Pakistani government play in determining petroleum prices?

The government’s policies, taxes, duties, and subsidy mechanisms significantly influence the final retail price of petroleum products in Pakistan.

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