Bricks Price in Pakistan Today 2024 | Fire Brick Eant Rates

Bricks have long been an essential building material, and remain essential to modern construction projects. As Pakistan’s construction industry booms, the price of bricks becomes an essential element in planning and executing construction projects. In this article, we will be looking at the current price ranges of bricks in Pakistan for 2024. We will also explore various types of bricks available in the market.

Additionally, we will discuss the factors that can affect brick prices. The article will also provide insights into the brick manufacturing process. It is vitally important to understand brick pricing dynamics for contractors, builders, and homeowners. This understanding helps ensure informed decision-making for budgeting and future construction endeavors.

Bricks Price in Pakistan

Bricks Price in Pakistan 2024

Prices of bricks vary in Pakistan depending on the quantity purchased. Single brick prices generally range from Rs. 9-16; when purchasing 1000 or 3000 bricks at once, prices per 1000 vary between Rs. 9,000-16,000 and 27,000-48,000, providing flexibility in budgeting and procurement depending on the scale of a construction project.

Brand1 Brick Price1000 Bricks Price (PKR)3000 Bricks Price (PKR)
B-grade brick (ii-brick)Rs. 14Rs. 14,000Rs. 42,000
Fly Ash brickRs. 18Rs. 18,000Rs. 54,000
A class brick 101Rs. 17Rs. 17,000Rs. 51,000
Awwal brick (machine-made)Rs. 16Rs. 16,000Rs. 48,000
Khingar brickRs. 15Rs. 15,000Rs. 45,000
C-grade brickRs. 12Rs. 12,000Rs. 36,000
Awwal tile bricks (A-grade)Rs. 17Rs. 17,000Rs. 51,000

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Red Brick Size in Pakistan

Construction projects in Pakistan often rely on red bricks for construction purposes; typical standard sizes typically 9 inches by 4 inches and 3 inches; however, depending on project requirements manufacturers may offer custom sizes as well.

9 inches4 inches3 inches

Types of Bricks Available in Pakistan

There is a range of brick types available on the Pakistani market, each offering specific properties suited to specific construction applications. Let’s examine some common types:

Burnt Clay Bricks:

Burnt clay bricks are traditional bricks created by firing clay in a kiln, used widely across residential and commercial construction due to their strength.

Fly Ash Clay Bricks:

Fly ash bricks are created by mixing fly ash from coal combustion into their clay mixture, producing lightweight yet eco-friendly bricks that offer sustainable options.

Engineering Bricks:

Engineering bricks are strong and dense materials that make them suitable for load-bearing structures that need high strength with low water absorption.

Concrete Bricks:

Concrete bricks are constructed using a mixture of cement, sand, and aggregates which makes them versatile enough for use across many construction projects.

Sand Lime Bricks:

Sand lime bricks are created by mixing together sand, lime, and water before compressing this mixture in molds to form bricks that offer high strength while being moisture resistant.

Calculating Brick Quantity Calculation

Calculating the required bricks for any construction project accurately is key to avoiding material wastage and unnecessary expenses. This depends on both the area being covered as well as which brick size has been selected, making accurate measurements critical to avoid miscalculations and save on extra expenses.

Factors Affecting Brick Prices

Many factors influence the price of bricks in Pakistan, including:

  • Fluctuations in Raw Material Costs: Fluctuations in the costs associated with clay, sand, cement, and other raw materials used in brick manufacturing can have an effect on prices.
  • Demand and Supply: Construction activity or market fluctuations may lead to price variations which in turn influence price.
  • Transportation Costs: Transportation expenses between manufacturing sites and construction sites affect brick prices.
  • Taxation and Duties: Government policies, taxes, and duties can have an effect on their final cost.
  • Selecting reliable suppliers is key to finding quality bricks at competitive prices, and many of the top brick suppliers in Pakistan ensure timely deliveries while adhering to quality standards.

Pros & Cons of Using Bricks

Before making decisions about construction projects involving them, stakeholders should consider both the advantages and drawbacks that bricks present, just like any building material. Understanding these aspects will allow for informed decision-making during such endeavors.


Bricks are durable and long-lived. Their thermal insulation properties contribute to energy efficiency and they offer excellent fireproofing properties for added safety in buildings. Furthermore, bricks are environmentally friendly and recyclable – additional advantages.


Especially relative to other building materials: Bricks may be relatively more costly compared to their competitors and their weight may add extra construction time and labor costs during construction. Furthermore, bricks absorb water quickly requiring proper waterproofing measures in order to stay watertight.

Brick Manufacturing Process

Manufacturing bricks involves multiple steps, from raw material preparation and molding, through drying, firing, and quality control – to appreciate all the hard work and craftsmanship behind each brick. Understanding this manufacturing process gives us a deeper appreciation of their creation.

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Conclusion of Bricks Price in Pakistan

Brick prices in Pakistan for 2024 vary based on both quantity and type. Red bricks remain popular due to their durability and affordability; When planning construction projects, factors like brick quantity calculation, supplier selection, and consideration of pros and cons play important roles in project success.

Being informed about brick pricing dynamics and making educated decisions regarding them is crucial for stakeholders in the construction industry. This knowledge allows them to optimize their projects and investments more successfully.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Which type of brick is suitable for load-bearing structures?

Engineering bricks are ideal for load-bearing structures due to their high strength and low water absorption.

Are fly ash clay bricks environmentally friendly?

Yes, fly ash clay bricks are considered environmentally friendly as they utilize fly ash, a byproduct of coal combustion, in their production.

What is the standard size of red brick in Pakistan?

The standard size of red brick in Pakistan is 9 inches x 4 inches x 3 inches.

How can I calculate the number of bricks needed for my construction project?

To calculate the number of bricks required, measure the area to be covered and the chosen brick size. Divide the area by the brick size to determine the number of bricks needed.

What are the advantages of using bricks in construction?

Bricks offer durability, thermal insulation, fire resistance, and eco-friendliness, making them a favored choice for construction projects.

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