Solar Panel Price in Pakistan 2024 | All Types Rates

As global trends move towards sustainable energy solutions, Pakistan is increasingly adopting solar power as an energy solution. Given rising electricity costs and frequent power outages, solar panels offer an attractive alternative for residential and commercial usage. We will investigate current solar panel price in Pakistan and the factors influencing these costs.

It uses photovoltaic cells to convert sunlight into electricity. It gives consumers access to solutions that are both more cost-effective and economically advantageous due to their significant advancement.

Solar Panel Price in Pakistan

Solar Panel Price in Pakistan 2024

Solar panel prices in Pakistan as of 2024 ranged from Rs. 37 to Rs. 23,780 depending on factors like wattage, brand name, and panel type. Here is a more detailed look:

Branded A Grade Solar Panel Price:

Brand NamePrice/PKR
Trina single Glass solar panel priceRS. 38/watt
JA single Glass solar panel priceRS. 37/watt
Jinko bificial double glass solar panel priceRS. 39/watt
JM Solar Panel DocumentedRS. 38/watt
Longi bificial double glass solar panel priceRS. 39/watt
Longi single Glass solar panel priceRS. 37/watt
Longi Hi-mo 6 BificialRS. 40/watt
Longi bificial double glass Hi-Mo 7 solar panel priceRS. 39/watt
JA N type solar panel priceRS. 39/watt
ASTRO Energy Solar Panel DocumentedRS. 38/watt
Jinko single Glass solar panel priceRS. 37/watt
Phono Solar Panel DocumentedRS. 38/watt
RENA Solar Panel DocumentedRS. 38/watt
Candian TopCon solar panel priceRS. 41/watt
Jinko N type solar panel priceRS. 39/watt
JA bificial double glass solar panel priceRS. 38/watt
Trina N Type solar panel priceRS. 40/watt

Solar Plate Price in Pakistan

500 Watt Solar Panel Price in Pakistan

A Grade Solar Panels Price:

Brand & SpecificationsPrice Per WattPanel Price
JA 530 watts single glass A grad documentedRS. 37RS. 19610
ZN Shine 545 watts single glass A gradRS. 38RS. 20700
Jinko 555 watts single glass A grad documentedRS. 37RS. 20535
Longi 555 watts single glass A grad documentedRS. 37RS. 20535
JA 540 watts single glass A grad documentedRS. 37RS. 19980
Longi 500 watts single glass A grad documentedRS. 37RS. 18500
JA 540 watts double glass or bifacial A gradRS. 39RS. 21060
Maysun 540 watt A grade solar panelRS. 37RS. 19980
Jinko N type 575 watt A grade documentedRS. 39RS. 22425
Longi Hi-Mo 7 580 watt single glass N typeRS. 41RS. 23780
Longi Hi-Mo 6 570 watt single glassRS. 39RS. 22230
Doart solar panel A grade 550 Watts panelRS. 37RS. 20350

B Grade Solar Panel Price:

SpecificationsPrice Per WattPanel Price
Jinko 550 watt B gradeRS. 33RS. 18050
Longi 550 watts B gradeRS. 33RS. 18050
JA 550 Watts B gradeRS. 32RS. 17500

Cell Germany Solar Panel:

Capacity in WattPrice/PKR
Cell Germany 180 WattRS. 11000
Cell Germany 150 WattRS. 10000
Cell Germany 230 WattRS. 12800
Cell Germany 200 WattRS. 11800

Canadian Solar Panels:

SpecificationsPrice Per WattPanel Price
Canadian 575 watt Topcon solar panel priceRS. 41RS. 23575
Canadian 555 watts Tier 1 single glass a grade documentedRS. 39RS. 21645
650 watt Canadian solar panel priceRS. 39RS. 25350

Local manufacturers tend to provide more affordable prices due to lower production costs. On the other hand, imported panels may come with higher price tags but often offer superior technology and extended warranties.

Factors Affecting Solar Panel Prices

Solar panel prices in Pakistan depend on several factors, including:

Quality and Brand:

Tesla, LG, and SunPower tend to command higher prices due to their advanced technologies and proven performance; local brands may provide more cost-effective options but differ in quality.

Wattage and Efficiency:

Solar panels that produce more electricity tend to be more costly. Furthermore, efficiency rates play an integral part; those that offer improved performance tend to cost more but provide superior output.

Installation and Maintenance Costs:

Installation expenses can have an enormous effect on overall costs. Professional installation guarantees optimal performance and longevity while routine cleaning and inspection ensure that the system continues operating at peak performance.

Government Policies and Incentives:

Pakistan has many incentives and subsidies available to promote solar energy use. It helps lower initial investment costs while making solar panels more accessible for everyday consumers.

Solar Panel Benefits

These panels present many advantages:

  • Cost Savings: Solar panels reduce electricity bills over time, providing long-term cost savings that can provide significant relief from rising energy prices.
  • Environmental Benefits: Solar energy is clean and renewable energy that contributes to a greener planet by lowering our carbon emissions and helping create clean energy solutions.
  • Energy Independence: Solar panels provide energy independence in areas with unreliable power supply, guaranteeing a constant and reliable source of electricity.
  • Longevity and Durability: Modern solar panels are a good investment with long-term performance warranties, lasting 25-30 years. Most warranties guarantee performance as time progresses.

Solar Panel Manufacturers in Pakistan

  • Pantera Energy Limited
  • ZI Solar
  • Reon Energy Limited
  • Alpha Solar
  • Shams Power
  • Premier Energy (Pvt) Lmt.
  • Pakistan Solar Services

550 Watt Solar Panel in Pakistan

Solar Inverter Prices in Pakistan

Final Words

Investing in solar panels in Pakistan is an opportune decision given the current economic and environmental landscape. Although initial costs can differ significantly, their long-term cost savings and environmental benefits cannot be overlooked. As technology improves and government subsidies increase, solar energy will become more accessible to everyday consumers.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the average cost of a solar panel system in Pakistan?

The average cost for a complete solar panel system ranges between Rs. 100,000 to Rs. 500,000, depending on the size and efficiency of the system.

How much can I save with solar panels?

Savings vary based on the system size and electricity usage but can be significant, often reducing electricity bills by 50-70%.

Are there any government incentives for solar panels in Pakistan?

Yes, the Pakistani government offers various subsidies and incentives, including tax breaks and low-interest loans, to promote solar energy adoption.

What is the lifespan of a typical solar panel?

Most solar panels come with a lifespan of 25-30 years and warranties that ensure performance for a substantial part of that period.

How do I maintain my solar panels?

Maintenance involves regular cleaning to remove dust and debris and periodic inspections to ensure all components are functioning correctly. Professional maintenance services are also available.

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