Pak Muzaffar Cables Price List in Pakistan Today 2024 | Priceware

Modern living relies on electricity to keep our world moving smoothly; one integral element that often remains invisible but utterly essential is cable. We take a look at the Pak Muzaffar Cables price list in Pakistan and their advantages. Also their benefits, and how they play an integral part in making lives run more efficiently.

Pak Muzaffar Cables Price List

Pak Muzaffar Cables Price List in Pakistan

Pak Muzaffar Cables understands the varying needs for which people use cables. It offers an extensive selection to meet these requirements. Prices begin from as little as Rs 4,200 up to an impressive Rs 36,500 depending on which cable type is chosen.

Cable NamesLengthPrices
Pak Muzaffar Cable 7/0.4490mRs. 25,000
Pak Muzaffar Cable 7/3690mRs. 18,500
Pak Muzaffar Cable 7/2990mRs. 12,200
Pak Muzaffar Cable Dish CopperN/ARs. 22,600
Pak Muzaffar Cable 7/0.64 Copper90mRs. 48,000
Pak Muzaffar Cable 2 PairN/ARs. 6,500
Pak Muzaffar Cable 3/2990mRs. 5,800
Pak Muzaffar Cable 1 PairN/ARs. 4,000
Pak Muzaffar Cable 7/0.52 Copper90mRs. 34,000

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Pak Muzaffar Wires Variety

Pak Muzaffar Cables offer a wide selection of wires, such as 7/29 and 7/36 cables with various specifications such as 7/0.64 Copper Dish Copper, 7/0.52 Copper 2 Pair 1 Pair cables, and 7/0.44 cables, to meet various applications in the domestic as well as industrial sphere. Their selection ensures precision and reliability to meet specific customer requirements with ease.

Benefits of Using Pak Muzaffar Cables

Pak Muzaffar cables boast numerous advantages that make them reliable choices for various applications:

  • Efficiency: These cables have been carefully constructed to deliver electrical signals efficiently, with minimum power loss during transmission.
  • Versatility: Pak Muzaffar Cables’ variety of cable types gives consumers the flexibility to find one best suited to their specific needs. It makes Pak Muzaffar an all-around versatile solution.
  • Durability: The construction of these wires makes them resistant to damage, so they will last longer and work reliably.
  • Precision: For applications where signal accuracy is key, such as telecom, these cables excel at transmitting them accurately.
  • Quality Control: Pak Muzaffar Cables are produced with quality in mind and undergo stringent testing to ensure they conform to industry standards.


Our modern world can be dauntingly complex; navigating it can be even harder. Pak Muzaffar Cables emerged as a reliable force behind the scenes with their selection of cable types and prices; to provide options suitable for everyone. It provides efficient power transmission with quality performance every time! Choosing Pak Muzaffar Cables means consumers can rely on quality power delivery.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are Pak Muzaffar Cables suitable for industrial applications?

Yes, Pak Muzaffar Cables offers cables designed for industrial applications. Their durability and precision make them a reliable choice for various industrial needs.

What should I consider when selecting a Pak Muzaffar Cable type?

The selection of a cable type should align with your specific application needs. Consider factors such as signal precision, flexibility, and conductivity to make an informed choice.

Can I find Pak Muzaffar Cables in different lengths?

Yes, these cables are available in various lengths to accommodate different requirements. You can choose the length that best suits your project.

Do Pak Muzaffar Cables meet safety standards?

Yes, Pak Muzaffar Cables undergo stringent quality checks to ensure that they meet safety and performance standards. They craft with quality assurance in mind.

Where can I purchase Pak Muzaffar Cables in Pakistan?

Pak Muzaffar Cables are available through various distributors and suppliers in Pakistan. You can contact your local suppliers or check online platforms for availability.

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